"I long to accomplish a noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble.”
"I long to accomplish a noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble.”
Living Well With LupusThose living with lupus contend with an enormous amount of decisions and worries that come along with a diagnosis of a chronic illness. Often the focus of care and support for patients is on medical treatment and management of their illness.
This wellness program is about helping people living with lupus get access to or learn new or different ways to find positivity and some relief for the physical stresses and emotional strain that comes with a diagnosis of lupus. |
Can you help us?
Do you have a passion that you would like to share in a 30-45 minute video or live zoom presentation? We will work with your schedule and provide the zoom link and all of the marketing. You provide your expertise and help lupus patients!
Send us an email about yourself and your expertise if you are interested in volunteering for this great program!
Send us an email about yourself and your expertise if you are interested in volunteering for this great program!
Program Calendar
Our InspirationYOU-our Lupus Community! Many of you have expressed interest in seeing more positive information about life with lupus and in learning new ways to incorporate positivity into your day-to-day regimens. There is so much information out there about the difficulties around living with lupus, around disease management, and medications that have adverse side effects, now it’s time to see things with a positive viewpoint.
This new program expands on our other programs which offer support, education and resources, to be an additional way for patients and families to connect, feel inspired, empowered, and potentially find some activities that help with overall well-being. |